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The 2021 Management Presentation and Commendation of Han's Laser High Power Components Product Group and the 2022 Mobilization Conference were successfully held

Company Dynamics| 2022-06-20|大族光聚

Follow the light and dream, keep walking

On January 11, the 2021 annual management presentation and commendation and 2022 annual mobilization meeting of Han's laser high-power components product group were successfully held in the Han's laser global manufacturing base.


"Pursue light, pursue dreams and control the future intelligently", online and offline global linkage, summarize the past and look forward to the future.

Mr. Gao Yunfeng, Chairman and General Manager of Han's Laser Technology Industry Group, Mr. Zhang Jianqun, Vice Chairman and Executive Deputy General Manager, Mr. Chen Yan, Deputy General Manager and Chairman of 5 subsidiaries of Han's Laser High Power Components Product Group, Ma Shuzhen, General Manager of Han's Photonics, Feng Yuxin, General Manager of Han's Intelligent Control, Xiao Junjun, General Manager of Han's Optical Ju, and Li Jian, General Manager of Han's Optical Pu, Jean noel, the general manager of CorActive, and the management personnel, outstanding employee representatives, and special guests of all subsidiaries of the high-power component product group gathered together to focus on development, work together with one heart and frequency, and work together.


Before the meeting, Chairman Gao Yunfeng personally visited the production sites of the subsidiaries to learn more about the research, production and sales of the products.


Leading basic device technology is the core strategic positioning of Han's Laser

President Gao delivered an important speech, expressing high appreciation and gratitude for the hard and effective work of the product centers of high-power components over the past year.




future,High power component product group will be the most strategic transformation layout of the Group, supporting Han's development to a new level。 The high power component product group has a long way to go,The clear positioning of all members and the achievements we have achieved have made us more confident in winning this campaign。 With the rapid expansion of the market scale, the development goal of high-power components is more clear, and the development space given to us is also expanding. The product group of high-power components, asMajor Races for Han's Future Development, which is of great value and far-reaching significance,It is expected that the high power component product group will adhere to an open attitude, sincerely serve the cause of laser popularization, and create new brilliance

Stand up bravely and strive for the first place

President Chen reviewed and summarized the establishment background, marketing, product research and development, production and operation of each subsidiary of the high power component product group, and highly recognized and affirmed the achievements of Han's Photonics, Han's Intelligent Control, Han's Photopolymerization, Han's Optical, CorActive in the field of market sales and product research and development in 2021, and thanked more than 900 employees of high power components for their hard work.


General Manager Chen said that domestic industrial capital and industrial policies have contributed to the surge in demand for components and technologies,We should have an international perspective and lead in product technologyFirst, strictly abide by the product quality lifeline, create higher value for users, and achieve steady and sustainable development。 At the key node of the explosion of demand for components,Take the core technologies and core products such as the laser of Han's Photonics, the NC system of Han's Intelligent Control, and the focusing head of Han's Photonics as the public products of the industry to market and serve the entire laser industry

President Chen pointed out that each product center of the high power component product group should define their own development goals,Take advantage of the vertical integration of resources of Han's laser component product group, implement the "3N" development strategy, and combine the strategic partners of Han's laser's three major laser process industries to provide complete solutions for the laser industryAnd make greater contributions to the whole laser industry.

Annual work report


Lead the Horse to Hope · Glorious Moment

Looking back on the achievements made in 2021, we can not do without the hard work of every employee in the high-power component product group. They dare to work hard and shoulder the heavy burden. They integrate responsibility and glory into the blood of the enterprise with their actions day and night. They are pioneers in ordinary posts, who are brave in innovation, willing to contribute, and have no regrets. They are examples for all employees to learn from. In order to encourage employees who have worked hard in 2021, the conference commended groups and individuals with outstanding performance on the spot.

"Big Family Star Award"


"Excellent Department Award"


"Best Product Innovation Award"

"Excellent R&D Achievement Award"

"Best Market Development Award"

"Excellent Operation Award"

"Excellent Service Award"

"Innovation Talent Award"

"Star of Service Award"

"Production Pacesetter Award"

"New Talent Award"

"Ten Year Elite Award"

The conference broadcast a number of awards, including Han's Star, Excellent Department, Best Product Innovation, Excellent R&D Results, Best Market Development, Excellent Operation, Excellent Service, Innovative Talents, Star of Service, Production Pacesetter, and New Pioneer Award. The award-winning employees and individuals came to the stage one by one to receive the award.

We will forge ahead in a new starting point in 2022; The horn of "intelligent control of the future" of the high power components product group will rise. We will build a new journey together with ingenuity. We will unite our thoughts, build consensus and strengthen confidence. In 2022, we will roll up our sleeves and work hard together!

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Statement: The appearance, parameters, performance description, comparison data, etc. of the products displayed on this website are all from the testing and experiments of the company's own products in the internal laboratory of Han's Photopolymer, which are for reference only, and the actual products shall prevail.


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